Plant Digital Seed

Digital Seed

SCBX Group is committed to helping people thrive amid disruption through sustainable
digital solutions and fostering the skills of the future for our employees and the Thai people.

SCBX Group is committed to helping people thrive amid disruption through sustainable digital solutions and fostering the skills of the future for our employees and the Thai people.

We are ready to leverage the power of technology and innovations
in building a sustainable digital future.
We are ready to leverage
the power of technology
and innovations in
building a sustainable
digital future.


SCBX Group is committed to leveraging its capabilities and data to innovate and invest in future technologies and to building alternatives to promote sustainable business and lifestyles on the basis of strengthened cybersecurity and data protection.

Centers of Excellence (CoE)

SCBX has set up three Group Centers of Excellence whose roles are to build group-wide digital capabilities and help better manage risks.

Developed comprehensive digital solutions for all customer groups

SCBX Group innovates financial solutions and services as well as new technologies, including digital banking, digital lending, and digital ecosystem, as well as digital asset products and technology of the future that meet the needs of retail and corporate customers.


SCBX Group recognizes that cybersecurity and data protection risks evolve along with advancements in technology and has therefore governed and managed these issues in compliance with relevant laws and regulations while putting in place policies and guidelines that promote organization-wide information security risk management and increased efficiency with technology.


SCBX Group seeks to empower employees and the future workforce with digital skills. This includes ensuring that the public has the skills to understand and use fundamentals of digital literacy which helps drive long-term economic growth and enhance access to employment and well-being.

Building Data and a Digital Workforce

Building Data and a Digital Workforce

The SCB Academy fosters and uplifts employee skills to work in the digital age effectively and efficiently, and has continuously designed and implemented various employee development programs through a blended-learning approach.

Fostering Digital Skills for Thai People

Fostering Digital Skills for Thai People

SCB leverages its expertise in knowledge management and skill development to build public learning platforms for fostering the skills of the future. SCB has partnered with different entities in creating career opportunities and life success for Thais.


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get to know sustainability

  • Double Materiality and Impact Valuation

  • Overview

  • Policies

  • Enriching Lives

  • Growing Economic Resilience

  • Reaching Climate Neutrality

  • Strengthened Foundation

  • Progress

  • Report and Disclosures