SCBX aspires to become “The Most Admired Financial Technology Group in ASEAN” and aims to increase its customer base to 200 million people across Thailand and the ASEAN nations. The strategy for extending the firm overseas will involve forming partnerships with important industry leaders and building customer-reaching platforms and ecosystems.

SCBX has a mission to make finance simple, accessible, and affordable for all through the power of technology and innovations.
- Determining the business group’s strategies and policies and maximizing the efficiency of resource management.
- Coordinating business activities among group companies in order to generate synergy and value for the financial business group.
- Overseeing group enterprises by enhancing their adaptability to maintain independent and professional management capable of designing business plans to match target groups and provide sustainable growth and returns.
- Increasing investments in new enterprises that create continuous expansion for the financial business group. Group companies will conduct business in conformity with Bank of Thailand regulations.