Enriching Lives


SCBX Group stands ready to support ‘Small Business and Small People’ with cutting-edge technologies combined with our profound experiences and expansive networks of partners in delivering innovative solutions to bridge the income gap, empower people, and pave the way toward a strong and resilient economy.

SCBX Group stands ready
to support ‘Small Business and
Small People’ with cutting-edge
technologies combined with our
profound experiences and expansive
networks of partners in delivering
innovative solutions to bridge the
income gap, empower people, and
pave the way toward a strong and
resilient economy.

We are committed to making finance
simple, accessible, and affordable for all.

We are committed to making
finance simple, accessible,
and affordable for all.


The SCBX Group stays committed to developing comprehensive financial products and services, investment strategies, and digital assets that offer inclusive access to every group of people, particularly the underserved segment, aligning with Financial SCBX Group’s Financial Inclusion Policy, and digital assets that offer inclusive access to every group of people, particularly the underserved segment, aligning with SCBX Group’s Financial Inclusion Policy, to foster financial independence and security while bridging the digital divide and thus contribute to a better future for all.

Financially Inclusive Products and Services

Financially Inclusive Products and Services

Develop and offer financial products and services responsibly by creating a wide range of accessible and secure options that cater to financial needs and capabilities as well as the ability to understand of each customer group, especially the underserved, who lack access to financial services.

Promoting Financial Capability and Health

Promoting Financial Capability and Health

Promote basic financial knowledge and skills, be it financial planning, income-expense management, savings, investments, as well as financial risk management, to prevent over-indebtedness and promote financial health now and in the future.

Initiatives for the Vulnerable Group

Initiatives for the Vulnerable Group

Bridge the service gaps for vulnerable customers to reduce restrictions on their financial access and well-being.


SCBX Group has a strong commitment to promoting and empowering small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and startups, as well as helping communities and society achieve their full potential. Our focus is on facilitating access to the digital technology, finance, knowledge, and skills crucial in the 21st century to enhance their competence to keep pace with changes while aligning with sustainable development.

Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises

Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises

By combining financial expertise and technological capabilities, we aim to expand career opportunities and enhance the competitiveness of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), thus fostering a healthy and sustainable economic ecosystem.

Investing in High-Potential
Tech-Companies and Start-ups Globally

Investing in High-Potential Tech-Companies and Startups Globally

We aim is to harness technological capabilities and leverage existing resources to empower talented start-ups, enabling them to showcase their potential and achieve growth.

Promoting Education and Social Well-Being

Promoting Education and Social Well-Being

We are dedicated to fostering opportunities that offer youths of all ages educational experiences, enabling them to develop vital skills for the 21st century. Moreover, we strive to promote access to the essential elements of life and occupation, while ensuring a conducive environment that supports their overall well-being.


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get to know sustainability

  • Double Materiality and Impact Valuation

  • Overview

  • Policies

  • Plant Digital Seed

  • Growing Economic Resilience

  • Reaching Climate Neutrality

  • Strengthened Foundation

  • Progress

  • Report and Disclosures