Building Talents to Fit in the AI-led Organizational Culture: Insights from SCBX

: Building Talents to Fit in the AI-led Organizational Culture: Insights from SCBX

Building Talents to Fit in the AI-led Organizational Culture: Insights from SCBX

At the Techsauce Global Summit 2024, Dr. Arak Sutivong, Deputy CEO of SCBX and CEO of SCB DataX, shared profound insights on the transformative role of AI in today's business environment.

In a riveting fireside chat titled “Building Talents to Fit in the AI-led Organizational Culture” at the Techsauce Global Summit 2024, Dr. Arak Sutivong, Deputy CEO of SCBX and CEO of SCB DataX, shared profound insights on the transformative role of AI in today’s business environment. The session delved deep into the current state of AI, its adoption across industries, and the critical importance of developing talent to cultivate an AI-first organizational culture.

Dr. Arak’s discussion highlighted the necessity of people-centric AI adoption, emphasizing that the technology’s true potential can only be realized through continuous skill development and responsible use. His comprehensive blueprint for integrating AI into organizational culture serves as a crucial guide for businesses navigating the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

The Ubiquity and Evolution of AI

Dr. Arak began by acknowledging the omnipresence of AI in today’s business environment. “These days, you cannot go around a day, especially in a business environment, without hearing about AI,” he noted. This ubiquity underscores AI’s transformative potential, yet its adoption remains in its infancy. While AI capabilities are advancing at a rapid pace, widespread adoption is crucial for realizing its full potential.

Dr. Arak outlined four defining metrics for SCBX’s AI journey:

  1. 75% of revenue from AI by 2027
  2. 100% of SCBX Group employees attaining basic AI literacy by 2025
  3. Advanced AI capabilities built and leveraged through data and R&D
  4. Responsible AI policy and system developed and deployed

Focusing on Adoption and Capability Development

The discussion emphasized the need for organizations to focus on AI adoption. Dr. Arak mentioned that SCBX aims for 75% of its business processes to be enabled by AI by 2027, touching areas such as lending, credit underwriting, process automation, call centers, and digital marketing. However, he stressed that technology alone isn’t sufficient. “I believe in people more so than technology,” he stated, highlighting the importance of equipping employees with AI literacy.

To this end, SCBX plans to ensure that all 25,000 to 30,000 of its employees have a basic understanding of AI by 2025. This includes knowing what AI is, its capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations. While the R&D team handles advanced AI projects, the broader workforce must feel comfortable and competent using AI tools responsibly.

Ensuring Responsible AI Use

One of the key challenges in AI adoption is ensuring its responsible use. As a financial group, SCBX is acutely aware of its responsibility to safeguard financial stability and customer trust. Dr. Arak explained that a responsible AI framework is essential. “We need to create awareness, guide our employees, and put in guardrails to ensure that AI is used properly,” he said.

For example, in market conduct, SCBX uses language models to analyze recorded interactions between agents and clients. This ensures compliance with regulatory standards, replacing traditional audit methods with more precise and comprehensive AI-driven analysis.

Balancing Job Security and Cultivating Talent Development

A common concern with AI adoption is the potential for job displacement. Dr. Arak acknowledged this but provided a nuanced perspective. “The concept of AI replacing jobs is a bit of a myth at the moment,” he remarked. While some tasks may be automated, AI is more likely to serve as an assistant, enhancing productivity and enabling employees to focus on higher-value tasks.

To thrive in an AI-driven world, employees need to upgrade their skills continuously. Dr. Arak pointed out that the next generation should shift from being mere doers to critical thinkers who leverage AI tools effectively. This shift is particularly challenging in Thailand, where the education system remains rooted in industrial-age methodologies.

The discussion also touched on the talent pipeline in Thailand compared to other countries. Dr. Arak noted that while Thailand has pockets of high-quality talent, the overall concentration and quantity are limited. He highlighted the need for a robust education infrastructure to support AI era demands. Initiatives like hackathons have revealed promising young talents, but scaling this across the nation remains a challenge.

Encouraging Thai Startups to Go Global

Dr. Arak identified a cultural factor that might be hindering Thai tech companies from gaining global prominence. “Thai entrepreneurs are sometimes too comfortable with what the Thai market has to offer,” he observed. He urged them to push beyond local markets and explore global opportunities, a mindset shift crucial for the nation’s tech ecosystem to flourish.

Dr. Arak concluded with three key takeaways:

  1. AI adoption is about people, not just technology. No matter how advanced technology gets, it is useless if people cannot use it effectively.
  2. A culture of experimentation and continuous learning is essential. Organizations must be open to new ideas, embrace change, and learn from mistakes.
  3. The next generation must be AI-native. The national education system plays a crucial role in preparing young people for an AI-powered world.

As AI continues to advance, the imperative remains clear: empower individuals to leverage this powerful technology responsibly and effectively, ensuring that both businesses and their workforces thrive in the AI era.

Moderated by Dr. Gang Lu, Founder of TechNode.


Tanyatorn Tongwaranan
Tanyatorn Tongwaranan Strategic Planner, Digital Business & Technology

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