SCBX Unveils its AI and Blockchain Vision

: SCBX Unveils its AI and Blockchain Vision

SCBX Unveils its AI and Blockchain Vision

at the World Economic Forum ASEAN Meeting

Bangkok, Thailand – SCBX, a leading financial technology group in Thailand, shared its vision for AI and blockchain technology at a panel discussion titled “Advancing Technology-enabled Innovation in Financial Services” during the recent World Economic Forum ASEAN Meeting held in Bangkok. The company emphasized the transformative potential of AI and blockchain to revolutionize the financial sector.

  • Spearheading the AI Revolution: SCBX is at the forefront of the financial industry’s AI transformation, strategically integrating it across all operations to revolutionize banking. This democratization of AI is exemplified by their use of models like OpenAI’s GPT, ensuring broad accessibility.
  • Building a Thai Language AI Ecosystem: Recognizing the scarcity of Thai content online, SCBX is fostering local technological advancement by developing its own AI technologies, including a groundbreaking Thai language foundation model.
  • Data-Driven Innovation and Workforce Empowerment: SCB DataX leverages the power of data and AI to drive innovation and efficiency. To maximize the practical applications of AI, SCBX is concurrently cultivating an AI-literate workforce, ensuring they have the expertise to harness this transformative technology.

Dr. Arak underscored SCBX’s unwavering commitment to becoming an “AI-first” organization. This strategic shift, which involves integrating AI into every aspect of our operations, positions SCBX at the forefront of innovation. Our aim is to fundamentally change how banking operates and how customers experience financial services, leveraging the power of AI to enhance efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction.

Democratizing AI for a Transformed Future

Dr. Arak traced the evolution of AI, referencing groundbreaking achievements like IBM’s Deep Blue and Google’s DeepMind. However, he pinpointed a pivotal moment – the release of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models by OpenAI. These models, he argued, marked a turning point, making powerful AI accessible to a wider audience.

“The democratization of AI has fundamentally reshaped our approach,” Dr. Arak remarked. “At SCBX, we’re committed to integrating AI into the fabric of our operations, proactively leveraging its power across every facet of our business.”

A Two-Pronged Approach: Deep Development and Broad Adoption

SCBX’s AI strategy is multifaceted. The company is not only actively adopting existing AI technologies but also spearheading the development of its own, with a particular focus on creating a robust Thai language foundation model. This initiative, driven by a deep-rooted commitment to fostering local technological advancement, addresses a critical gap – only 0.2% of internet content is currently available in Thai. SCBX’s efforts hold immense significance for ensuring Thai language inclusion in the AI revolution, a testament to the company’s dedication to its home country.

Harnessing the Power of Data: SCB DataX Steps In

Dr. Arak also illuminated SCB DataX, a subsidiary specifically designed to harness and monetize data across the SCBX group. This venture involves substantial capability building and strategic investments through its dedicated venture capital fund. SCB DataX’s primary goal is to leverage data analytics and AI to drive innovation and enhance operational efficiency across the SCBX group, ultimately contributing to our mission of becoming an AI-first organization.

Building an AI-Literate Workforce: The Cornerstone of Success

Recognizing the importance of human capital, SCBX prioritizes fostering a workforce equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate the AI landscape. “Every member of our organization must possess a fundamental understanding of AI and be able to utilize its potential effectively,” Dr. Arak asserted. He provided concrete examples of how SCBX leverages AI in real-world scenarios, from process automation powered by ChatGPT to enhanced credit underwriting processes that promote financial inclusion. These examples illustrate the practical use and benefits of AI in our operations.

Beyond AI: Embracing the Transformative Power of Blockchain

While AI takes center stage, Dr. Arak acknowledged blockchain as another game-changer in the financial services industry. Despite current challenges, he expressed his belief in the transformative potential of blockchain technology, particularly its ability to decentralize processes, reduce costs, and increase asset liquidity. SCBX actively participates in the blockchain ecosystem through venture capital investments and by exploring practical applications, such as conducting international remittances over blockchain networks. Our goal is to not only understand and adapt to blockchain technology but also to contribute to its development and adoption in the financial services sector.

“The evolving regulatory landscape is encouraging,” he noted. “We are particularly excited about the possibilities of tokenization and other blockchain applications to reshape the financial services sector.”

A Benchmark for the Future: SCBX Leads the Way

Dr. Arak’s address at the WEF ASEAN meeting served as a powerful testament to SCBX’s forward-thinking approach. By championing AI and blockchain, SCBX not only positions itself to revolutionize its own operations but also to significantly contribute to Thailand’s digital economy and foster national economic growth. Dr. Arak’s insights resonate with a broader trend within the financial industry, where embracing advanced technologies is no longer a competitive edge but a critical necessity for ensuring future growth and sustainability. SCBX’s proactive and comprehensive strategy, underpinned by its unwavering commitment to innovation, sets a strong benchmark for other financial institutions navigating the ever-evolving technological landscape, instilling confidence in its leadership role in reshaping the financial services sector.


Tanyatorn Tongwaranan
Tanyatorn Tongwaranan Strategic Planner, Digital Business & Technology

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