Reaching Climate Neutrality

Reaching Climate

The SCBX Group is committed to becoming a financial technology company that achieves its Net Zero commitment in 2050.

The SCBX Group is committed to
becoming a financial technology
company that achieves its Net Zero
commitment in 2050.

We are bridging opportunities to enable
everyone to stay on the path of sustainability.
We are bridging
opportunities to
enable everyone to
stay on the path of


The SCBX Group recognizes the critical need to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement. In response, we have announced our commitment to achieve Net Zero in our own operations by 2030 and in our lending and investment activities by 2050. Additionally, we are committed to following the SCBX Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship Policy supporting all stakeholders in their transition to a low-carbon society and achieving Net Zero through four key strategic thrusts.

Becoming a ​NET ZERO

Becoming a


01 Becoming a ​NET ZERO FINTECH ​​

Prioritize the transformation of internal management processes through

adopting modern technology or smart building systems,

• adopting modern technology or smart building systems,
• transitioning all vehicles to electric vehicles by 2028, and
• sourcing 100% of the electricity from renewable sources.

02 Empowering & Incentivizing Customers toward a Net Zero Future​

02 Empowering & Incentivizing Customers toward a Net Zero Future​

Mobilize THB200 Billion by 2030 to support businesses or projects seeking to focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as provide advisory on net zero transition.

03 Accelerating net-zero through TECH Innovation Ecosystem​​

03 Accelerating net-zero through TECH Innovation Ecosystem​​​​

1. Invest an initial amount of USD 200 million in global funds and companies focusing on the development of technologies for carbon capture, utilization, and storage.
2. Develop platforms and innovations to drive broader carbon footprint reduction for the Group and its customers to achieve net zero emissions.

04 ​Setting science-based targets and enhancing transparency through GLOBAL STANDARDS​

04 ​Setting science-based targets and enhancing transparency through GLOBAL STANDARDS​​​​

Adopt/participate in global standards / initiatives, i.e.,:

1. Standards developed by the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) to assess greenhouse gas emissions ​
2. Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) to set financial sector science-based targets
3. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to increase sector-wide transparency

Managing the organization’s footprint

Managing the organization’s footprint​

The SCBX Group is committed to constantly changing and upgrading the management of the organization to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its operations.

Supporting sustainable finance

Supporting sustainable finance

The SCBX Group supports customers in their transition to a net zero economy through a range of environmentally and sustainable financial tools.

Creating innovation and investment for Net Zero​

Creating innovation and investment for Net Zero

The SCBX group joins forces with business and network partners and seeks investment opportunities that aim to create positive changes to build a sustainable ecosystem.


The SCBX Group is committed to improving the efficiency of energy and natural resource utilization and waste management; applying digital technology in operational processes; and promoting green supply chain to maintain the balance of natural resources and the environment, which forms the economic and social capital for sustainable development, both at present and in the future.

Operational Eco-Efficiency

Operational Eco-Efficiency

The SCBX Group places significant emphasis on reducing its environmental footprint throughout its operations by managing the environment in accordance with international policies and standards.

Raise Awareness among Employees

Raise Awareness among Employees

The SCBX Group continuously strengthens employees’ knowledge and awareness of environmental conservation to jointly prevent and mitigate environmental impacts.

Promoting Engagement throughout the Value Chain

Promoting Engagement throughout the Value Chain

The SCB X Group promotes partner engagement through procurement policies that consider social and environmental issues.


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get to know sustainability

  • Double Materiality and Impact Valuation

  • Overview

  • Policies

  • Plant Digital Seed

  • Enriching Lives

  • Growing Economic Resilience

  • Strengthened Foundation

  • Progress

  • Report and Disclosures