Corporate governance, risk management, and
compliance with relevant laws, rules, and
regulations are crucial components in building
a strong organizational foundation for
sustainable growth.
Corporate governance, risk
management, and compliance
with relevant laws, rules,
and regulations are crucial
components in building
a strong organizational
foundation for
sustainable growth
The SCBX Group is committed to integrating GRC as part of its management process to coordinate efforts holistically and systematically among employees, data, processes, and technology to achieve growth and sustainability.
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance
Risk Management
Risk Management
The SCBX Group believes in people’s potential to steer our mission toward success. At SCBX, our human resource management strives to balance between capacity building, business growth, and career development on the basis of equality, engagement, and well-being.
Unlock New Capacity and Develop High-potential Talents
Unlock New Capacity and Develop High-potential Talents
Establish the Best Business Practice with Good Governance in Place
Establish the Best Business Practice with Good Governance in Place

Recognizing that all people are equal in dignity and rights, the SCBX Group strives to respect and promote basic human rights as specified in the Code of Conduct, and to strictly comply with global practices. The Company has adopted the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) to guide organizational management and practices.
SCBX formulated its Human Rights Policy and undergoes Human Rights Due Diligence to identify, prevent, and mitigate human rights impacts as a result of its activities throughout the value chain. For a complete report on the SCBX Human Rights Risks Assessment, please click here.